Free resources related to nature-based early childhood education
Never wonder where your sense of wonder went
Maybe nature-based education ensures that we as teachers will hold onto our own sense of wonder. 我们对大自然的惊奇感. 我们对孩子的好奇感.
In this post from the weekly 萨马拉早期教育 newsletter our Chief Visionary Dr. 瑞秋Larimore reflects on how bad weather DOES exist and how the phrase “there’s no such thing as bad weather” may be limiting.
In this post Rachel gives tips for hiring and job search season. This information is great for interviewers and interviewees alike!
Growing 与 the children: Bringing nature preschool practices to elementary schools
Many families who experience nature-based preschools find themselves looking for a similar elementary experience. 在本文中, 瑞秋Larimore discusses a nature-based elementary program.
Program considerations for establishing a nature-based preschool
Are you looking to 创办一所以自然为基础的学校? 在本文中, 瑞秋Larimore discusses the importance of establishing a program philosophy and evaluating your available resources for before starting a nature-based school.
Getting down to business: Turning your ideas into reality
在本文中, 大卫·卡特林, 她是萨马拉早教的同事, discusses how to turn your ideas for a nature-based preschool into reality.
Nurture in nature: Getting started 与 nature-based learning
Nurture in Nature is a blog series hosted by Kaplan Early Learning. 在这篇文章中. 瑞秋一. Larimore provides practical advice for creating outdoor learning spaces. While the idea may sound intimidating, she makes it simple.
Using principles of nature-based preschools to transform your classroom
在NAEYC的这篇文章中 年幼的孩子, 瑞秋Larimore explains how teachers can use principles of nature-based education to transform their classrooms.
How to lead a nature-based program 与out losing your purpose (or mind!)
本次网络研讨会,由Dr. 瑞秋Larimore, helps early childhood administrators identify the principles and benefits of a nature-based approach.
快乐 & challenges of managing a nature-based program
Managing a nature-based program can be challenging, but there are also many joys! 本次网络研讨会,由Dr. 瑞秋Larimore, helps early childhood administrators identify the principles fundamental to nature-based education and the benefits of such an approach.
Starter list of children’s books—preschool
There are MANY great nature-based children’s books. This list can serve as a starting point for the first book purchase(s) of your new nature-based or forest school!
Recommended books for nature-based educators
Are you looking for professional development resources related to nature-based education? 这里有一个清单,让你开始. We’ve grouped the titles below by those relevant to all nature-based educators and titles focused on specific age-levels.
Nature-based learning environments: What every early childhood leader needs to know
本次网络研讨会,由Dr. 瑞秋Larimore, helps early childhood administrators address the unique considerations for designing a nature-based classroom—Inside, 外 & 除了.
在这个视频中. 瑞秋一. Larimore, Founder and Chief Visionary of 萨马拉早期教育, describes the broad concept of nature-based early childhood education and nature-based preschools specifically.